Reflecting on how an understanding of the birth of the industrial and economic paradigm is important in my own practise?

As a maker and also a textiles student the birth of the industrial and economic paradigm was a massive impact to the textiles industry. John Kays created the wheeled shuttle in 1733, which meant that weavers were now doubling their productivity than doing this by hand. This creation was the beginning on the textiles industrial revolution. Now today we have sewing machine that run from electricity rather than doing so by hand. This increased productivity and most textiles products can be massed produced now where as before the industrial  revolution doing so by hand would of took hours, days, weeks and even months to create a large batch of the same product. With new technology being created every year, this is making it possible to create my work at a faster rate. This has a massive impact on my work as now I can stitch together a piece of fabric within minutes where as before the revolution I might of spend our hand stitching to create the same high quality sustainable stitch. Having the technology we have now because of the revolution means that there is new and exciting products being created everyday. With the economy moving as faster than ever there is always going to be a demand for new products. Creating new ideas as your last idea is being produced. With my practice I love testing materials to their limit and having all this wonderful technology around me I am able to do this. For example the hot glue gun. I tested the limit of a balloon by adding hot glue onto the balloon which created these beautiful forms that I fell in love with. This would never been possible if it wasn’t for the fast moving revolution. Even so we are still moving forward and creating. Finding new ways to move forward. As will my practice.

Author: livtextilesblog

I am a second year BA: Textiles student at Cardiff Met University

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