Ausra Merkelyte – Velvet Meadow

I finally choose Velvet Meadow for my chosen company as we have a lot of interest in common. We both love being outside and being with nature and exploring the outdoors. We are also both inspired by nature for our own work.
One of the key things that made Velvet Meadow the perfect company for me to choose is that we both enjoy stitching. I have recently discovered digital stitch and think this can be something I would try and incorporate in my work so our works are different and to move the company into a different area of stitch. I have also been taught lots of other stitching techniques on sewing machines. I have also been looking at new hand embroidery techniques to try out.

“I love to create things by my hands, slowly without a rush and impatience, following my mood and magic of a moment. All these moments make my life comfortable, soft and luxurious as a VELVET!” – Ausra Merkelyte


When looking through Instagram I came across this Textiles artist from Lithuania. A lot of her work is based on her love for nature. Originally Merkelyte was a lawyer but chose to give this up to follow her creative side and start some hand embroidery pieces. All of her love for nature is shown in her countless pieces that she posts on her Instagram daily.  She also sells a lot of her work on her shop on Etsy.

After deciding to follow her dreams and creativity  Merkelyte started designing and making soft toys with one of her friends. One of her passions was the different fiber arts started to grow. She now works from her home studio enjoying every project and every stitch.

A lot of her work mainly focuses on the dandelion. A very delicate and beautiful plant that can be passed by so easily without realising it’s full beauty. In Merkelyte work she create intricate stitched versions of the dandelion. They really show the beauty of the plant. The results of every one of her pieces is incredible every single piece having the same amount of detail and work.

I also came across some of her other pieces of work on her Instagram. The first selection was of simple stitched leaves using a blanket stitch to create these pieces. Mrkelyte choses to emphasise he structure of the leaf with all it’s veins that run through the leaves body.

Another collection of work I came across was that of clusters of flowers. All ranging in sizes but all sticking to certain colour schemes. The one I particularly like is the blues, the lovely pastel blood just create this calming feeling when looking at the piece. I also love the centre piece as I really like the contrast between the dark backing fabric and the bright colourful flowers, it really makes the colour pop.


Author: livtextilesblog

I am a second year BA: Textiles student at Cardiff Met University

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