Relational Colour

On our first day in relational colour we looked at how there are actually six primary colours, phthalo blue, ultramarine blue, cadmium red, magenta, cadmium yellow and lemon yellow and how say the lemon yellow is cooler so goes on the blue side and cadmium yellow is warmer so goes on the red side, here is a photo below to show the colours


Then we looked at the complete colour wheel with greens and purples etc and talked about how the science of light which was rather interesting but was rather confusing but I sort of understand it.


After I had completed my colour wheel we moved on to paint fifteen colour ways into strips, just using the 6 prime colours. We were divided up into group and each had a set of colour strips to produce. This made the process much faster than attempting to do all fifteen. These are the ones I completed

Once all our group had finished we pinned them up against the wall to see what the finished outcome was. I was really happy with the result of our colour stripes.

Author: livtextilesblog

I am a second year BA: Textiles student at Cardiff Met University

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