Embroidery hoop

I started looking at embroidery and colour. I have brought a few hoops and some material to try a few things out. I wanted to create something like Nike Savvas but in my own unique way. I wanted to look at using embroidery hoops rather than a 3D version like Savvas has done.
I wanted to look at the different shades of colours like we have with the colour strips. I already have a variety of different embroidery threads that I am able to use.

I chose to use a green as I had a range of different shades of this colour. I decided on using a square as it was a quick and simple way to see how this will turn out. I was going to use a hexagon or pentagon but this would take too long and I just wanted to see if it’s something I want to pursue.

Here is some photos below of my progress so far with the embroidery hoop. I decided to go from one corner and work my way around the square.

These were the first two colours I added. I chose to go from light shades to dark shades. I really like how this is turing out and would like to explore this more. Maybe looking a different ways I can stitch the colours into the square. I could also look at changing the shapes and seeing how that works. There is a lot of possibilities to doing this little project.

Here is the finished outcome. I am really pleased with how it has turned out. I love the way the colours just merge and shows the relation of colours just like we did with the colour strips in the first week. There isn’t as many colour but it is a good sample of what we were trying to achieve before.

I do want to try and experiment with this a little further just to see if this is a possibility to use for a final piece.

Author: livtextilesblog

I am a second year BA: Textiles student at Cardiff Met University

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