Embroidery Hoop Three

I made another hoop this time I chose to use a square again but this time I chose to do the same stitching technique as the triangle. I  had four different shades of purple threads. I started with the lightest first and worked my way around the square and moved on to the next corner with the next shade of purple and continued to do this for all the four colours.

I do like the way this hoop has turned out the way the threads have overlapped has given it a 3D feel almost an optical illusion. I think this look on the hoop works the best out of all the previous ones. The shaped that the threads create when they are overlapping look really great.

If there was one thing I would change next time would be the order in which I have the threads. I would start with the darkest colour first and then go to lightest. This reason being you can’t see the other colours through the last thread with is being so dark.

Author: livtextilesblog

I am a second year BA: Textiles student at Cardiff Met University

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