Degree Show Prep

After our Easter break we had two whole weeks where we were being buddied up with our level six buddy to help them prepare for their degree show. The first two days I wasn’t in as I wasn’t very well. I kept in contact with my level six buddy to make sure there wasn’t anything I could be doing to help her out. In them two days she managed to get all the painting done for her degree space. I really loved the colour that she chose as it a colour I really like. My buddy sent me a couple of photos to show me how she was progressing.

Once I felt better I spent the next couple days  cleaning the floor around her studio space. On the first day when I came in she wasn’t in as she was waiting for some of her stuff to arrive. I asked if there was anything I needed to bring in to help with the cleaning and she said there would be stuff around. When I arrived in on the Wednesday I found it very hard to do any cleaning as there was nothing around really for me to clean the floor with as most people were still painting their degree show. I tried to get as much stuff up as possible with the resources I had but in the end I helped one of the other level six students paint some of their wall as my buddy said she didn’t have much for me to do. Then next day I came prepared with plenty of stuff to clean with and managed to get the floor really clean.

On the Thursday evening I messaged my buddy to ask what she needed me to do on the Friday as I wanted to be prepared of what I needed to bring in for that day. As she was still waiting for all her samples and shower curtain to arrive she said for me not to come in.

The following week was where we really got into creating my buddies vision of her studio space. Over the weekend my buddy had gone into university and managed to get her shower rail up and the shelving which was looking great. After we finally opened her shower curtain up and a framed print she had sent off to have done. They both looked amazing and it was really exciting seeing everything coming together.


We then got the shower rail hooks off of the shower rail. This is when we hit a problem as the hoops that were on the shower curtain where to thick to go through the hole on the hooks for the shower rail. We found someone in soft modelling to help us out he tried a couple of thing out before we finally found a tool to help us open up the hook holes. Whilst my buddy carrie don with her space I began opening all of the hooks open. It did leave little tool marks on the metal but the were going to go at the back of the shower curtain and wouldn’t be seen. We put the shower curtain onto the hooks and put it on the rail to see how it looked. She has done such a wonderful job with her studio space it looks incredible. Once she was happy with the shower curtain. We took it down and I went to Maggie to ask her the best way to steam the curtain so that it would have the fold creases in it. We then reattached it to the shower rail and put the end back on the shower rail.


For a long while we where looking at the best placement of the shower curtain as the shower rail hoop was rather large and no matter where we place it or stretched it out there was always a little gap and we didn’t want it to seem like there was a empty space there.

My buddy and I waited for Kierene and Sian to come around and give us some feedback. Whilst that was happening I did go and help another level six student by painting all of the screws that where in her space so that you weren’t able to see them anymore. When I came back around Kierene and Sian had said that they didn’t like the round shower rail and maybe a flat bar going across the back wall would be better as there wasn’t enough material to add to affect of the rail. We then went over to Wickes to find a new rail and get it sorted as soon as possible. We managed to get one and came straight back to the university to get the old one taken down and the new one put back up. Emma helped us with all the drilling and putting the new bar up.

We then focused on the samples and her frame photo we managed to get the command photo stickers and got that up. It is all coming together really well especially with the new rail up and the curtain on. On the last day I couldn’t make it in as my car broke down but my buddy did a great job of doing the last bits for her degree space.

The Final Thing.


This process has been a great learning experience especially for what I need to prepare for next year when I have my degree show. It showed me how I would want to prepare for my degree show and come up with some sort of list of things that I want to achieve an by what dates.

I want to make sure that I can have the majority of my degree space samples, final outcomes and any little pieces that will accompany them to create my degree space before I have to start setting up my design space to make sure I am not waiting around and wasting time waiting for packages and designs. This was something that I picked up on with my buddy. I felt that there was days when she said that I didn’t need to come in as she was still waiting for samples or other things for the space and I just didn’t understand how she wasn’t more stressed with things not arriving yet especially when the space and floor had been painted and cleaned by the Wednesday. It felt like we were wasting alot of time and this is something I don’t want to be doing next year with my degree show.

During the process I felt that there was never anything for me to do. Next year I want to try and lan out them two weeks as best I can to make sure I am using the time well and also have a list of thing that my buddy can help me out with rather than them standing and waiting around or not needing to come in. I felt I could of been alot more help to my buddy if she had made a plan or list of things that I could have done even if it was to run to a shop and pick up certain supplies for the space.

Overall this was a great experience to be apart of especially because i have helped someone towards getting their degree. Most of all it has prepared me for what I will b facing next year in my own degree and how I will do thing differently and plan my days out better to take advantage of the time I have and the help I have from my buddy.

Author: livtextilesblog

I am a second year BA: Textiles student at Cardiff Met University

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