Rag Rugging Samples No.2

I was really happy with my previous attempt of my HOPE rag rugging but I had a slight issue as white fabric that was on the top of the hessian underneath was a lightweight material that wasn’t able to hold that amount of fabric that was on the design once it was complete and there for ruined the design as the material all bunched together.

This time I chose to look at using the hessian again but looking at a more robust material that would be able to handle the weight of the rag rugging I would be applying.  I decided to use a canvas type of material that is a lot thicker than than the previous sample.

I drew the design and used my sewing machine to go over my draing and then cut out the top fabric to reveal the hessian so that I am able to do the rag rugging.

On the previous design I chose to use all red recycled fabrics to make the last design. I didn’t have much red fabric left over so to keep with my recycled material idea, I chose to use what ever colour material I had left that I knew i wasn’t going to use. I wanted to make sure that the colours where all different than each other so that they didn’t clash. In the end I used red, yellow, green and blue. The colour have worked together and I think this design looks a lot better than the previous one.

This was the outcome once I was finished.


A you can see from the image there is till that slight pull on the material. I did noticed this time tat it wasn’t like that until I started rag rugging and the more material I added and the more I pulled the fabric through the more I noticed it happening. I believe that it may be how tight the fabric is being pulled through and how much fabric is there rather than the weight of the backing fabric.

Author: livtextilesblog

I am a second year BA: Textiles student at Cardiff Met University

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