Speed Dating Recap: Piping Foot

Piping Foot

Used for both creating piping and stitching into a seam.

Machine Settings

Tension: 4
Stitch: Straight Stitch
Stitch Length: 2.5
Width: Adjust width dial to move the needle as close as possible to piping cord

I took a bias cut strip of fabric and then I fold it in half lengthways with piping cord running down the centre of it. I then placed it under the sewing machine foot. Making sure that the raw edge is on the right and the cord is on the left. I made sure that the needle was as close to the cord as possible and stitched all the way down using the straight stitch.

Once the piping is complete I then inserted it in between two pieces of fabric with all raw edges even. I then stitched down then making sure I was as close the the piping as possible. I then turned it inside out to show the result.

When sewing around a corner, snip seam allowance of piping up to the stitch line and curve around the corner making sure to stitch as close to the piping as possible.

Author: livtextilesblog

I am a second year BA: Textiles student at Cardiff Met University

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